Dido and Aeneas (2009)

26 September ’09 > 8 October ’09


Dido, queen of Carthage, falls in love with the Trojan hero and army leader Aeneas. However, their happiness is rudely interrupted by the Sorceress and the Furies. When Aeneas leaves her to return to his homeland, Dido commits suicide out of anger and grief. But not before she sings the famous lament ‘Remember me’.


Dido/Sorceress Catherine Daniel
Aeneas Jussi Lehtipuu
Belinda Dorine Mortelmans
Woman/Witch Donij van Doorn
Woman /Spirit Nicola Mills
Sailor Elmar Gilbertsson


Director Hans Nieuwenhuis
Musical direction Huub Ehlen/Tjalling Wijnstra
Set design Hans Nieuwenhuis
Costume design Robby Duiveman
Light design Trui Malten
Orchestra and Choir Collegium ad Mosam


‘Dido from Opera Zuid is fun but difficult’
