
Chamber of Commerce (Kvk) number and RSIN number

Chamber of Commerce (KvK) number: 41078061 RSIN number: 008796361

Annual report

Read Opera Zuid’s annual report here: 2023 2022 2021 2020

Current policies

ANBI publicationduty

Here you find the standard document publicationduty ANBI general 2023.

Governance Code Cultuur

Together with the Board, the Supervisory Board paid attention to compliance with the principles of the Governance Code for Culture. The Board and Supervisory Board subscribe to the importance of compliance with the code, although due to the limited size of Opera Zuid’s organisation, this sometimes takes place less formally and explicitly than in larger organisations.

Responsibility and application

Management Board and Supervisory Board are aware of their responsibility regarding the application of the Code. They regularly reflect on the organisation’s performance, on the relationship with stakeholders and on their own functioning.

Governance model

Board and Supervisory Board are satisfied with the governance model i.c. the Supervisory Board model that has been functioning since 2009. As of 2017, the Board is formed by the Intendant under the supervision of the Supervisory Board. The Intendant is supported by a management team.

Task and mode of operation of the board

The director’s duties and working methods are laid down in the Supervisory and Executive Board Regulations dated 16 October 2009. With the new intendant taking office, the procuration regulations were revised and new agreements were made on the content and periodicity of management information. The regulations were revised when the Intendant took office in February 2017. The flow of information between Director and Supervisory Board is adequately regulated in these regulations.