
On vocal techniques, style and interpretation in opera.

Verdeeld tussen de dictiecoach die aandringt op ‘tekst!’, de leraar die adviseert ‘gewoon de klinkers te zingen’, de zangcoach die ‘core and sustain’ wil, de dirigent die ‘piano’ fluistert, en de regisseur die eist ‘ik wil emotie zien!’. Divided between the diction coach who insists on “lyrics!”, the teacher who advises “just sing the vowels”, the vocal coach who wants to “core and sustain”, the conductor who whispers “piano”, and the director who demands “I want see emotion!’.

Chelsea Bonagura (vocal coach and soprano) and Lochlan Brown (conductor and répétiteur) regularly give masterclasses to make it clear that everyone is ultimately on the same wavelength, but only lost in terminology. ‘We believe that vocalism, language, music and interpretation are not rivals competing for your attention, but all complementary parts of the same beautiful opera puzzle, provided we have the right information and techniques.’

If you are in Maastricht or nearby, come to Opera Zuid and, together with Lochlan Brown and Chelsea Bonagura, find an authentic, harmonious relationship between yourself, your voice and the expectations of professional opera houses. The masterclass will be held in English on June 10 at 11:00 am in the Malpertuis Studio of Opera Zuid.

Send your CV and a video recording to before June 7th.

Both Chelsea Bonagura and Lochlan Brown will participate in Mozart’s Der Schauspieldirektor next season at Opera Zuid.