Opera theater about the meaning of madness I count. I count the dots on my sweater. I count the stripes on my pants. I count the people in the supermarket. I count the people outside on the sidewalk. I count myself.
Among all the other people, Anderhoofd gets caught up in a world full of ideas, rules and interpretations. Reality slowly becomes cloudy and Anderhoofd gradually loses grip on who he really is. What follows is a search for something to hold on to.
The opera performance Anderhoofd is about the need to count when you lose grip on the world around you. About counting in a society that has a problematic relationship with your experience of reality. The personal stories of nearly fifteen players, experts in the field of psychosis, are connected to supernatural characters from operas by Henry Purcell and Philip Glass. In a contemporary opera, the life stories of the players come together with old English operatic traditions.
ANDERHOOFD is a performance with and about players living with a psychosis. If you have any questions after seeing the performance, or if you are concerned about something, you can always contact the experts at or
A co-production of Opera Theater Amsterdam and Opera Zuid. A collaboration with Centrum de Brouwerij, Samen Sterk Zonder Stigma, Social Run, Beautiful Distress and Mondriaan.
Made possible in part by: Fonds Cultuurparticipatie, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Fonds Podiumkunsten, Stadsdeel Amsterdam Zuid, VSB Fonds, Amsterdams Fonds Voor De Kunst, BankGiro Loterijfonds, VandenEnde Foundation.