Do you constantly crave more? The latest phone? Another sweater? Or are you happier without such wants? This contemporary children’s opera takes on the topic of greed – a musical fairy tale for children and parents.
Though poor, Jacob and his parents are happy. One day Jacob catches a special fish. ‘Throw me back into the sea,’ says the fish. ‘Then I’ll give you everything you want.’ In a flash, new shoes adorn Jacob’s feet. His father and mother also want new shoes, a big house, lovely holidays… With every fulfilled wish, Jacob becomes more unhappy and his parents more dissatisfied. The fish gets thinner and the sea rougher until a big storm sweeps everything away.
Composer Leonard Evers wrote Goud! in 2012, to a libretto by Flora Verbrugge. A Brothers Grimm fairy tale inspired them. Evers composed rousing music for various percussion instruments, such as marimba, vibraphone, cymbals, and drums, conveying sea and fish sounds. A singer and a percussionist play, sing, make music and bring the story to life on stage.
When does desire become unbridled greed? And how does our greed affect the natural world? Though serious questions for a children’s opera, Goud! is not overbearing. Humour, poetry and music make this opera an adventure for young and old.
The opera lasts about one hour, without intermission, and is performed in Dutch.
Family opera (4+)
Goud! 4+ is a coproduction with the Dutch National Opera.