La scala di seta /

Il signor Bruschino

Gioacchino Rossini

17 May ’24 > 20 June ’24
Director Marcos Darbyshire
Musical Director Sander Teepen


A comical ‘feel-good’ performance not to be missed!

From ingenious disguises to secret dates; the clichés of love are presented with a twist in the double bill La scala di seta / Il signor Bruschino by bel canto grandmaster Gioacchino Rossini. In these two operas the young Rossini first showed his grandiose romantic style. He composed his witty, energetic music on the comic stories of Giuseppe Maria Foppa.

In La scala di seta, Dorvil is secretly married to Giulia. Every evening he quietly climbs a silk ladder (scala di seta) to see his bride. But Giulia’s guardian has other ideas for her future and tries to marry her off to Blansac. All this creates comic scenes in which love wins.

In Il signor Bruschino, Florville tries with cunning schemes to get permission to marry his beloved Sofia and not Mr. Bruschino junior, who has Sofia’s guardian in mind as a marriage partner. But will he succeed?

Although all the secret loves and devious schemes in both one-act plays cause a lot of chaos and laughable commotion, everyone eventually declares love to the right person. This also applies to Darbyshire: ‘for me, these operas are a kind of love letter to Rossini himself… The composer created real gems, and that at the age of twenty’.

La scala di seta / Il signor Bruschino will be performed in Italian with Dutch and English surtitles.

Why did you choose these two works by Rossini? “Both operas provide insight into Rossini’s young brain. The composer experiments with comical situations and different musical elements. We chose La scala di seta and Il signor Bruschino because they both already have everything that Rossini will do later on, for example in Il barbiere di Siviglia. The operas are very well put together, both musically and in terms of content. In addition, I really like La scala di seta because the piece is so naughty and a woman is in control in this comedy. Then we see Il signor Bruschino as the second one-act play, in which a man is central. That contrast makes this double bill exciting and creates balance.’

Both operas fall under the ‘buffa’ genre; comic opera. Can we – the audience of today – still laugh at the jokes and jokes of the past? “Rossini’s work is based on the archetypes from the commedia dell’arte, but most people are no longer familiar with them. That is the challenge in these operas. We recreate the situations with our modern frame of reference, with what we – today – find humorous. But apart from that, Rossini’s music is incredibly funny, sparkling and energetic, even for us! So the music is going to be our guide on this journey. And those old-fashioned archetypes, we transform them into modern characters that we recognize.’

So we get to see a modern-day buffa variant? ‘Precisely! Many old comic elements are rather sexist and stereotyped. But humor is constantly changing and being reinvented all the time. Especially in recent years there has been a big change in comedy. Many things that we thought were funny twenty or even ten years ago are now considered passé. I think opera should reflect that shift, also in the way we make comedy.”


Lucilla / Sofia Chelsea Bonagura
Giulia / Marianna Alexia Macbeth
Bruschino padre Edwin Fardini
Germano / Tutore Gaudenzio Raoul Steffani
Dorvil / Florville Manuel Nuñez Camelino
Blansac / Filiberto Michael Wilmering
Dormont / Un Delegato di Polizia Jacques de Faber
Bruschino figlio Pim van Drunen
Il Cuoco Roderik Povel


Direction Marcos Darbyshire
Musical direction Sander Teepen
Set- and costume design Agnes Hasun
Lightdesign MartinJan Gaasbeek
Musical dramaturgy Pedro Beriso
Orchestra Philzuid




‘No slapstick but subtle humor in double Rossini at Opera Zuid’

‘Opera Zuid presents refined and hilarious acting in two comic operas by Rossini’

‘Opera Zuid impresses with humour, surprise and speed’

‘Rossini’s musical humor remains effectively amusing’

‘This was an excellent production beautifully designed and cleverly directed by Marcos Darbyshire’

‘Avec cette production aussi ambitieuse que réjouissante, Opera Zuid conclut brillamment sa saison 23-24’

‘A festive spectacle’

‘This piece contains a cheerful piece of cheerfulness that you can drift along with, supported by beautiful music and beautiful singing.’

Designer Agnes Hasun created a playground for adults

Musical director Sander Teepen loves Rossini’s zest for life

For director Marcos Darbyshire, Rossini is one of us


Fri 17.05.2024

Parkstad Limburg Theaters


Sun 19.05.2024

Parkstad Limburg Theaters


Tue 21.05.2024

Den Haag

Thu 23.05.2024

Schouwburg Concertzaal Tilburg

Sat 25.05.2024

Parktheater Eindhoven

Tue 28.05.2024

De Maaspoort

Thu 30.05.2024

Theater aan het Vrijthof

Tue 4.06.2024

Stadsschouwburg Utrecht

Thu 6.06.2024

Chassé Theater

Sat 8.06.2024

Stadsschouwburg Nijmegen

Tue 11.06.2024

Opus9 Theresiakerk (verplaatst vanuit Openluchttheater Valkenburg)


Thu 20.06.2024

Opera op de Parade